Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Z boy's Accident

Posted by Laureen at Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Mathew 26:-38
"Then Jesus brought them to an olive grove called Gethsemane.
He said sit here while I go on ahead to pray" he took Peter and Zebedee's
sons James and John and he began to be filled with anguish and deep
distress. He
told them "my son is crushed with grief to the point of death.
stay here and
watch with me."

I remember my son's accident when he was still one and a half years old. I was out to a meeting at that day when I left him with his nanny. I then received a shocking call from my cousin who lived nearby our house that she brought my son to a hospital because my son's face up to the chest got burned. They wasy she described it to me that the skin peeled off, I immediately got hysterical. Praise God that our pastor was there at that time and tried to calm me down and prayed for my son. When I got to the hospital I saw my son who was greatly in pain and was crying so hard. I really felt so helpless.

I thanked the Lord that he has given my son high pain threshold at that time. While he was confined in the hospital and recovering, he still managed to smile and play around even with all the bandages wrapped around his body. But when it was time for the doctor to dress his wound, it was horrible sight, even recollecting those scenes make me cry. It was vividly clear to me how the doctor would scraped the skin out and how Z boy scream from the agonizing pain and then reached out his hand to me and cried "Mom May!" 'Mom May!!" Gosh! The pain I felt in my heart at that time was truly unbearable that I also cried with him. When the doctor saw that I was also crying then that was the only time she stopped.

At that moment that I experienced that scene, God gave me a clear picture of what He felt in Gethesemane. He knew and recognized the pain, the shame the sufferings ahead in His coming crucifixion. But God bore all the pain just to make salvation available to all. Since He was 100% God and 100% man at that time. Like a father who loves his son dearly he can relate to the pain and suffering we experience in our lives. Our heavenly Father understands and cares for us.

Thank God that my son is now miraculously healed. There are traces of that burning incident on his face since the scars are gone. There's only a bit of discoloration of his skin color on his chest but our pediatrician assured us that there's nothing to worry about. He just advised is to expose it more to the sun and eventually his skin tone will be even. Glory to God!


Chelle on May 20, 2009 at 9:03 PM said...

praise the Lord!

Nenette on May 21, 2009 at 10:44 PM said...

We all experience "dark hours" in our life. But what's comforting is; we see God's hands at work in us. He's simply amazing!

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